The Witness to Love Foundation
About the Foundation
The Witness to Love Foundation is established upon the understanding that the call to each member of the Church today is to vibrantly live the mission of Jesus Christ. The organizational practices of the Witness to Love Foundation are founded upon a deep Christian spiritual life which seeks to express the love of God to those around us by offering concrete and practical solutions to the problems people are facing which degrade their innate dignity as persons made in the image and likeness of God. Many of these problems which negatively impact people in every day life are a result of challenges posed by our modern culture. Thus the Witness to Love seeks to find new and dynamic interpersonal solutions to these problems so that the love of God shared in and through the Catholic community at the local and universal levels may be a radiant force for renewal and the integral development of all persons in light of the common good
Who We Are
A public charitable organization working to assist the Catholic Church at the local and international levels in fulfillment of the mission of Christ who calls us to participate in the Works of Mercy in solidarity and service of other persons while inspiring Faith, Hope and Love within the ecclesial community and beyond.
Geographic Giving Pattern
American and European Continents with expansion intended to extend beyond these in the future.
Special Interests
The Witness to Love Foundation invests in the integral development of individual persons and small communities in a person to person manner by our support of individual Catholic apostolates, missionaries, Catholic agencies and missionary organizations and Catholic churches. Catholic cultural development, Christian catechesis, life issues, infant and children's welfare, health and human services are all areas of deep concern.
Grant Areas
Grant areas include semi-annual scholarships for individuals to assist in an international missionary experience, annual grant and grant as loan to Catholic apostolates and organizations.
Contributions to pre-selected individuals and organizations only. Unsolicited applications unaccepted.